Lilypie 1st Birthday Ticker Lilypie 3rd Birthday Ticker

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Milestones: First roll over!

Today Kara rolled over for the first time from back to stomach. Any Mama knows that stuff like this is huge! She has rolled from her side to her tummy and her back but never from her back all the way to her tummy. Part of the reason I like staying at home is so I can experience these firsts. The funny part is that I was here but I didn't see it happen. I was walking around getting some cleaning done and layed her on her back. I walked back in the room and she was on her tummy just smiling away. I took pictures and a video just because I am way over the top like that!! I immediately stopped whatever cleaning I was doing and sat on the floor for like an hour trying to get her to do it again so I could catch it on video but she wouldn't have any part of it. I ended up filling my memory card with a million video clips of her laying on her back. LOL I ended up uploading all the video's to my computer so I could free up space just in case she did it again.

Here is what I have!

I also have a little clip of Kendall giving Kara her bottle. While I was making dinner I handed Kara over to Kendall to finish feeding her for me. Kendall is such a wonderful big sister. She absolutely loves helping me do anything for her sister. I know there will be a day when jealousy comes to play but that is not the case right now. Kendall is so gentle and loving with Kara. Kendall is like my little "timer" for Kara. What I mean by that is she tells me when she needs a bottle, when she needs a diaper change. She tells me to change her clothes and even reminds me to get Kara out of the car whenever we go somewhere. It is so sweet how she wants to include Kara in everything we are doing. I cannot even begin to put into words how blessed I feel to have two beautiful and perfect angels.

Also I have to include this video I took yesterday with my cell phone... Kara has really started to "talk" in the last 3-4 days... so cute!

Sunday, September 21, 2008

Kara's 4 month pictures plus a few others

4 months old 9.15.08

I absolutely love how she sucks her fingers... so cute!

Kendall swinging with her Daddy (2yrs 7months)

Hurricane Ike from our house

Where to begin? Last Thursday morning I was sitting on the couch glued to the Hurricane Ike coverage on the news. You could tell it was serious because they had interrupted all regular programming to cover the storm on all the local channels. I was concerned for my Friend Addie who lives in Corpus and sent over a text to let her know she could stay with us if she needed to. By the afternoon the hurricane track had updated and it was inching closer and closer to the Galveston area.

The news was telling our area to hunker down with enough supplies to last 3-5 days in case of power outages. I had compiled a list of stuff we needed but had resistance to go buy it. In the middle of the night Thursday, I got out of bed to pack our bags. I couldn't sleep and decided it was better to drive up to Dallas now rather than after our power was out.

We watched the storm on Fox News Channel from Ricky's parent's house. The next day we woke up to see the damage and heard of all the power outages. It took a day to get a hold of our neighbor to find out what our neighborhood was like and if we had power. Our neighborhood was hit harder than I imagined it could being an hour and a half from the coast. Blue tarps line the roof tops up and down every street. Every other house has their carpet ripped out and on the curb. There are fences down everywhere, trees, and tons of debris. The pictures I took were taken six days after the storm, after most everything was cleaned up.

We were very lucky compared to our neighbors. Our only damage was the fence, which we are waiting for the insurance to come out and look at and minimal flooding to our master bedroom and bathroom.

It is all so surreal looking at the pictures on the news of all of the devastation. Many people are still without power (803, 000 people to be exact.) The news stations here are still doing continuous coverage of the impact and what to do now.

My heart goes out to all of those people who lost their homes and to those who lost family members. You don't think about how something like this has such a huge impact on lives until you see it first hand.