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Saturday, July 19, 2008

The Greatest Show on Earth

Ringling Brothers Barnum and Bailey Circus truly is the greatest show on earth! We took the girls to the circus today to celebrate my birthday this past week. No better way to celebrate not wanting to get older than to do something a child enjoys!

I have not been to the circus since I was very little and sadly all I can remember is being consumed with persuading my parents to buy my one of those overpriced light up toys. (lol)

Today was such a different experience. The circus was at Reliant stadium where the Houston Texans play their home games. Right from the start you can feel the "experience" as you walk up with all the loud speakers blaring with voices of circus personnel. Once inside you are bombarded with souvenirs and food everywhere. The music playing somehow makes you want to buy something, and that we did. Kendall is a proud new owner of a $21.00 circus horse and her colt. Let's see if she ever plays with it after today.

We make our way to our seats and the show begins. The show was awesome to say the least. By intermission I was sure the show was over feeling I had already got my money's worth but nope there was still more. The show lasted about 2 1/2 hours.

Kendall was a really good age to enjoy the show. She stood up on the chair and could see everything but ultimately she fell asleep... the shows time fell in her nap time window.

I have included some pictures of our day.

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